This is going to be a quick post today. I have a couple of things to write about from the weekend, but something happened this morning that I have to share first.
My kids have a habit of hitting their front teeth on things. Tyler has hit his teeth on Tanner's head on a couple of occasions and we thought he was going to lose them based on how loose they were. Tanner actually fell off of a little chair and faceplanted into the cement and chipped his front teeth. Luckily though things went over well after each accident.
I took Tyler to the dentist months back and when they did his cleaning they did x-rays as well. The dentist looked at the chart and the first question from him was, "Has your son bonked his fronth teeth on a couple of occasions?" I told him what had happened and he stated that it wasn't a concern, but that he wouldn't be surprised if Tyler lost his front teeth much sooner than expected. Aparrently when you hit your teeth really hard it damages the roots and what is actually holding the teeth in place. Tyler's teeth were barely hanging in place. He said if Tyler got one more really good hit the mouth he would lose them both.
Well, months go by and we have had nothing but good luck in that category. This morning we did our normal routine; breakfast with the kids, read our scriptures together, said our prayer and then I left for work. I work about five minutes from home and before I was even half way to work I got a call from Nicolette. She was in a bit of a panic. I guess Tyler had gone up to her and told her that her tooth hurt. She opened his mouth and noticed that his front tooth was very loose. She had him close his mouth and she was going to look for the number for the dentist. Tyler closed his mouth and then began to freak out a little bit. His tooth just fell out. Seriouslly, no pulling or anything it just fell out on it's own.
To me it seemed kind of cool. My son lost his first tooth and it didn't hurt him one bit. What a way to lose it! Then I thought about it from my wife "the photographers" point of view. Yeah, the missing tooth changes things up a bit. The front teeth usually don't fall out for a couple more years and sometimes they won't grow back until age 7 or 8. That is going to be a long wait, and some very interesting photos for the next few years!
I haven't seen him yet, but I am already planning ahead to have an ice cream night and make sure that he has a blast tonight and that we celebrate the tooth fairy...etc. Actually, I don't know if I should plan the fun night for the kid that lost the tooth, or the mom that has a son that lost his tooth. I don't know who is taking it harder. :) I'll make sure to post pictures later!