Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Found Passion for Running

I have never really enjoyed running. I used to be a very good runner, but I always took it as a form of punishment dished out by heartless coaches. I still remember my freshmen year of high school when the track coach decided that I would be a great distance runner. I didn't mind the sprints, not even the various 400m dashes done during practices, but I was not a fan of the drive and drop method; he would drive us 5 to 8 miles out of town and drop us off and tell us he would see us back at the track. That sucked.

Years later I now find myself training for a half marathon, which is much farther than I have ever needed to run before in my life.....and I'm loving every minute of it!? It's odd, but I really like what I am doing. I have a support group to run with, I'm tracking my progress with Nike Plus to improve split times, and I'm even studying how to be a better runner and how to eat like a runner. This is totally not me. Growing up I always saw my father as a crazy person. Every day he would come home, strap on the good ol' New Balance shoes and run 8 miles. I would even see him with ten pound weights in each hand while running to add a little more "oomph" to the workout. I am slowly becoming my "crazy old man." :)

Two weeks ago I traded in some credit card points for a subscription to Runner's World and every day since then I have gone to check on the mail like a little kid waiting to get a present. Nicolette noticed this the other day and made a bit of fun about it. I also signed her up for some magazines so I know she is just as excited about it...I'm just beating her to the mailbox.

Anyway, I'm hitting my running goals and on track for my 13.1 mile run on Nov. 15, (one day after my birthday...mark you calendars,) and I've currently dropped 8 lbs since starting my training a bit over two weeks ago. I have about 20 lbs more to lose and it would be great to drop it before race day, but we'll see.

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